What happens in Your Session?

We audit what is working and what isn't in your marketing process.  

Do you want a systematic and predictable flow of ideal prospects filling your calendar? 

Take your client cultivation process to the next level.  

Whether you decide to work with us or not, you will benefit from this complimentary session. 

Streamline the path to bring your ideal client to your front door with a Marketing Operating System that reflects the journey that your best clients have taken to find and hire you.  

Registered Investment Advisory Firms that use our process know they will have a stellar digital presence that wows the clients and prospects who will get the most out of working with you.

In this complimentary session you will learn about our programs as we diagnose your current strengths and weaknesses in your client cultivation process.

If it sounds appropriate, we will share the services and packages that will help you achieve your goals.

What will Happen Before the Call?

  • Complete our discovery intake forms on the page after you schedule.  
  • We'll remind you about your appointment.

What will Happen During the Call?

  • The call lasts for 60 minutes. 
  • We will go over the process your prospects take to get to your door.  
  • What are your prospects thinking about when evaluating if you are the right financial planner for them?
  • We'll go through your current marketing strategy and discuss our programs.
  • We will identify the holes in your client acquisition and cultivation process.

What will Happen After the Call?

  • You'll have a high level view of what is and isn't working in your marketing process.  
  • You'll know what areas of your marketing strategies to focus on next.
  • You'll know how you are going to create or improve your client cultivation process and how you are going to invite your ideal clients to your door with them wanting to hear what you have to say.
  • If you are an ideal client, you will know how our programs will benefit your firm.
Get Your Breakthrough Session

What is a Client Attraction System?

4FP Marketing operating system Growth Triad
Customer Value Journey

Frequently asked questions

What can I expect?

This program is a framework that is a combination of exercises, documentation, and measuring KPI in your digital presence that work synergistically.

The program takes 8 hours per month from your team.

We typically to schedule two 4-hour sessions in a 2-week period each month.

Phase 1 - Build phase

We’ll start by filling out our core tools centered around the Growth Triad. We’ll start by documenting your client’s journey and determine what analytics you need to track for your business (hint: you don’t need to look at everything).

After Phase 1 training is complete we will start to have a roadmap for what to do next. We can offer most (if not all) these services in-house or you can choose to DIY (we’ll make sure you’re trained on any new tools you choose to use).

Phase 2 - Optimize

In these next 8 hours, we’ll deliver some crucial tools to keep you on the right track to grow your firm best (hint: in a way that works for you).

We’ll again split this up into 2 4-hour sessions in 2 weeks.

Phase 3 - Accelerate

Now that we’ve got our plan down it’s time to make it grow and continue. We’ll review our foundation tools we made in Phase 1 and bring in new tools specific to your needs. This is another 8 hour session we’ll break up into 2 4 hour sessions in 2 weeks.

Is there any obligation?

No, you do not have to. 

We would LOVE to have you be part of the 4FP family and will support you at whatever level of support you need.

This program is designed to not just help you attract your ideal client better, but also for us to be able to serve your RIA better.

At the end of Phase 3 (as you will also see in our initial “Alignment check” meeting) you’ll be presented with 3 options to move forward (DIY, Train your team, or Fractional CMO) with your implementation of the plan.

Do I have to do the Digital TuneUp to use your services?

This program is part of the Certified Partner program, DigitalMarketer’s highest level of program.

This program is more than just the curriculum that we provide clients. The DigitalMarketer community enables us to ask clients’ questions to our larger community and leverage the resources of the DM community to support our clients. 

Do you support your clients after the program?

Yes. We are here to support you as a full-service agency. We are also available to help you train your team or even let you do it yourself. 

Can you help me build the resources we need?

After Phase 1 training is complete we will start to have a roadmap for what to do next. We can offer most (if not all) these services in-house or you can choose to DIY (we’ll make sure you’re trained on any new tools you choose to use). 

Can you help me effectively AND ethically market my firm?

Yes, just like you we like to think of ourselves as fiduciaries.

That means if you don’t see success we won’t either. We want to help you with your best interests at heart.

What our clients say


You have such valuable knowledge that is industry-specific... Your knowledge base is tremendous.

George Guttman CFP®

I want you to know that I appreciate this help. I was always that dreamer kid who spent lots of time alone by choice. Talking analytically about myself is difficult. It’s not about feelings or intuition and I grew up in the land of judgement.

Painting and sculpture were my refuges in a wonderful but difficult childhood. I can assure you that I never dreamed of being a princess so there are a couple of things that have a great impact on me; “ To whom much is given, much is expected” and “Never confuse good fortune with worthiness." "Know thyself" is also a big favorite. You have to lead me back because thinking about this raises my anxiety.

Charlotte Mabry Ed.D, CeFT

Sheri Conklin

I was going around in circles and not knowing what direction to go into, what to start with, and what to work on. You have broken the process down and you are leading me through what needs to be done in all of the steps in the process. I don't know why I've struggled so much because you're making this seem very simple and easy. And I'm absolutely enjoying the process, I love working with you, and I love the ideas that we've come up with. So, I am extremely happy and can't wait to see what we end up with on the final product.

Sheri Conklin CFP®

In ‘Good to Great’, Jim Collins touts the benefits of “Getting the right people on the bus in the right seats”. With a shared vision and mission, I have been fortunate to get Jake on my bus and in the right seat of “digital marketing maestro” (his given title by me) in our organizations. The digital world is vast and I deeply appreciate Jake’s guidance as we course through this new, amazing, and opportunistic terrain.


Jake created the space and direction I needed to elevate my brand and business development. He listened, brought enthusiasm, ideas, and maybe most important, asked the right questions. He is always dedicated to making sure his vision and efforts on my behalf are aligned with my own vision and purpose.


Digital Marketing for Financial Planners are the digital-presence gurus. They deeply understand the paths potential clients take on their journey toward connecting with you directly. More importantly, they're fluent in the ways you can put your best message forward with those potential clients every step of the way. For advisors who understand the importance of owning their digital footprint and know they can’t manage it alone, this is the go-to team.

David C. Bowman CFP®

Jake has great communication skills and a good balance of technical expertise and business acumen. He knows how to explain complex topics to the layperson and is proactive in diagnosing and assessing problems. I also appreciate how approachable and easy to work with he is.

Rebecca Kennedy CFP®

Jake's intimate knowledge of the Financial Planning profession makes it easy to be on the same page regarding my firm's vision and purpose. The Digital Marketing 4FP approach mirrors the planning process in that our conversations are always oriented around discovery and resourcefulness to come to solutions. His dedication to anchoring engagement strategy to who my ideal client is and how to best serve them is a good counterbalance to any business owner who has a tendency to get lost in the weeds of business operations and serving clients.

Jake minimizes the pain-points of prospect/client engagement the same way we limit hurdles for our client's to have a healthy relationship with their money.

Russell Kroeger CFP®, EA

Today’s Digital Marketing is far more complex than even a few years ago. Jake has a unique understanding of an integrated digital marketing strategy.

The 4FP process combines taking control of your online reputation including website presence, social media strategy, and integrating a next-gen CRM Active Campaign to bring lead generation in-house, being compliant for regulators, and identifying where to focus your marketing dollars in your Digital Marketing decisions.

Jason B. Ball, CFP®, ChFC®, CLU®

Jake has always been there for the critical times. Both with the advice and helping me with what I need.

This isn’t a guy who will come in and tell you, "this is what is best." He will find the solution that you truly need. What he does is educate you. I’ve never been more comfortable with baring my process than with Jake and the 4FP team.
