In this episode of ‘The 4FP Podcast’ where you learn which digital marketing strategies are working best for advisors. The host – Jake Wagner talks to Dennis Williams about his company – CashMap Consulting and the CashMap App. Dennis gives some great tips on financial planning using his app.

The biggest takeaway that we want you to get from the episode is the power of being on the “winning side of the interest rate” as Jake Wagner calls it.  Dennis goes over a technique of how to pay your bills and keep a small line of credit going at the same time.

There’s no black magic to it, it’s just about the order that you pay your bills while leveraging a small line of credit.  We are very impressed by the power of this savings technique, so we wanted to share it with you.

The CashMap App ( shares different saving scenarios with the user and can help enlighten consumers about the long-term results of their saving habits.

Episode highlights:

  • Jake asks Dennis about his professional journey and his Company & App – CashMap Consulting.
  • As per Dennis, before you make a decision, you can actually model it and see what the outcome is, before you do it resulting in more empowerment.
  • Dennis answers the query, how he has been seeing financial planners using his software.
  • He says they can answer the question “what is this item that I’m spending now, is it is important to me that I’d be willing to postpone this event of joy that I really want?”
  • Dennis suggests starting from where you are, whether you like where you are or not just start with that; do what you really would look for in love to do.
  • Jake questions Dennis about some of the challenges that he has seen people running into as they’re getting used to the software.
  • Dennis talks in detail about his coaching program, what people learn and the cost involved, if any.
  • Jake enquires, “What are some of the dreams, or success stories that you’ve seen so far?”
  • Dennis suggests taking a small line of credit. According to him what most of us do is we leave our money sitting in a checking account doing nothing while we wait to pay our bills.
  • “How does it work this whole like line of credit thing?” asks Jake.
  • Jake asks that how would Dennis like the listeners to start entering the process of working on their cash flow with you important now.
  • He also asks if Dennis has any affiliate thing for the listeners or how he works on a b2b level.

Key Points

  1. Dennis reveals that when he designed CashMap app he wasn’t interested in turning it into a budgeting app because there were already so many excellent budgeting applications from reputed firms. His goal was to try to compete with them.
  2. He informs that at CashMap they teach taking a small line of credit that is no more than one and a half times the income that they deposit. As it just kind of goes right under the bank’s radar, it minimizes any risk of them freezing it and even if they do, it’s so small, you’re not risking a lot. It also encourages people to continue a savings program so that they’re only using a small line of credit for creating wealth, and if something unexpected comes up they’ve got the cash to take care of it.
  3. Dennis updates about some pretty cool opportunities available for the listeners at this point. The coaching program is $2,000 which is pretty reasonable for the savings that the individual is going to be getting. Also, there’s an app which is only available on iPhone right now.


  • “Can you tell us a little bit about how you do this, what are you doing differently than other people.” – Jake Wagner
  • “Everyone just dives for cover and hates the word because it means that you’re raining on my parade I can’t really enjoy life.” – Dennis Williams
  • “Now the conversation with financial planners is really going to be around the issue of, oh, here’s my risk tolerance.” – Dennis Williams
  • “Nicely staying away from the dirty word, not something I’d like to explore a little bit too.” – Jake Wagner
  • “So, that’s really why I created the eight-week coaching program, enabling people to just kind of walk it through it step-by-step”. – Dennis Williams
  • “You can compare and contrast the different financial realities, natural future.” – Dennis Williams
  • “When our money system and checking it out, and best, we’re getting point 1% if we’re lucky.” – Dennis Williams
  • “The higher the averages for the month. The more the bank is going to pay right.” – Dennis Williams
  • “So, there’s some pretty cool opportunities right there.” – Dennis Williams

Resources/ Links:


Introduction  14:43:51

Welcome to digital marketing for financial planners, the podcast where you learn which digital marketing strategies are working best for advisors, we interview financial planners who share what is working or not for their practice. here’s your host, Jake Wagner.


Jacob Wagner  14:44:10

Hello, and welcome to the 4FP podcast. This is your host, Jake Wagner. On today’s show, we have Dennis Williams. So that’s really fun stuff to share with us. He is this company and an app called cash map. And these are just I’m very impressed with what he has to share.


Dennis Williams  14:44:27

So welcome to the show. Jay, I thank you for the opportunity. And it’s been great meeting you. You too. Yeah, this


Jacob Wagner  14:44:34

has been a fun conversation leading up to our talk today. So the first question I’ve got for you is just tell me a little bit about you and hashmap? And, yeah, how you got to where you are?



Yeah, I’m, again, Dennis Williams. And the name of my company is cash map consulting. And what we’ve what I’ve done is created a finance app that’s available both in Google Play, as well as in the Apple’s App Store. And we have also created a coaching program around it as well to guide people through the process, and just really simple terms, learning to use the bank’s rules, to your benefit, to help you achieve what’s most important in your life sooner than you thought possible.


Jacob Wagner  14:45:23

That’s awesome. Can you tell us a little bit about how you do this? What are you doing differently than other people? I



think there’s a couple of things. First of all, even working with my own former banker, and even with finance, we all know a lot of the banking terms, like for example, how the bank charges his interest, or how they pay us interest. But nobody really takes us through the process of what the implications are as relates to how we spend our money. So that’s kind of the first place that I started. And then the second item would be that, I don’t know anybody who if you say the word budget, everyone just dies for cover and hates the word. Because it means that you’re raining on my parade, I can’t really enjoy life. And so really what cash math does, and that created this eight-week coaching tool around it was the first start people with by asking the question, what are the things that are most important for you to achieve, or to be able to look forward to celebrating? That’ll bring you joy over the next 510 15 years. And if you aren’t able to do it, you will be upset with yourself? Most people have never asked that question for it and certainly not given it an answer. And the really cool thing, from my experiences working with households, has been families who previously had been on entirely different pages, and they were having money problems. When they answer that question. And they get on the same page. All of a sudden, there’s clarity of where they want to go. And it totally transforms the way that they look at money. And in cash map. really all that it does, Jake, is it starts by you just capturing how you’re currently spending your money. And then it asks you a few questions to ask. And then here’s something else that’s not available to the public, is that actually gives you the ability to see exactly personalizing what the power of compounding will do to enable you to see where you’re going to be over the next 510 15 years. And you can save it, you can create different scenarios. So you can actually before you make a decision, you can actually model it and see what the outcome is before you do it. Oh, and so it becomes very empowering. And now all of a sudden, people can ask, well, gee, what if I did this versus what if I did that? What will the effect be? And they can see how much money they’ll have? And how soon they’ll be able to achieve that joy is the event that they were looking forward to that before they had no vision and being able to pick up at all.


Jacob Wagner  14:48:24

So is this more for consumers or and also how, how have you seen financial planners use your software?



Well, I think at this particular point, I’m still getting the word out. I certainly know a couple of financial planners who I have worked with but really the beauty of it for them has been that they now have customers who are actually coming to the table. Why down to have more money than they’re wanting to put aside. And they’re not having to coach, they’re not having to coach the client to do it. Because now all of a sudden, the client is seeing what the effect is done, they divide, they kind of created this scenario themselves. And it just kind of moves the conversation in an entirely different way. And the beauty of it is a never-used word ‘budget’. And instead, they have a series of scenarios that they can actually share saying, oh, if I did this, this is what will happen versus if I do that this is what will happen. And so it’s a big step in being able to feel confident that you can achieve what you want. And now the conversation with financial planners is really going to be around the issue of, well, here’s my risk tolerance. What should I be looking at for a return on my money?


Jacob Wagner  14:49:47

And the bigger question to have like, I mean, so they’re taking ownership of their budgeting and looking at the scenarios of how they can save and spend in their daily lives to make the life that they want for themselves, then they walk into the financial planner’s office. And you know, you have projection software that’s really specific to the planner that absolutely incorporates encompasses more of the total in the long-term financial picture, but the budgeting and cash flow are what’s going on today. And maximizing and leveraging where someone is today, it’s also going to make it so that they have that in the future, as well as some of the tools that she talked me about some like someone’s going to be able to have more savings actually available to the planners for them to work with invest or use as appropriate.



Well, that’s exactly right. And just to come back, you noticed again, I didn’t use the word budget. Mm-hmm. And the reason why I didn’t use the word budget, because now when we go through a process that I called, these are my dreams that most people never asked, and they never answer. Once they have those, and they prioritize it and they know kind of what it’s going to cost to get there. Now with that, they come back and look at kind of how they’re currently spending their money. And they can answer the next question. This item that I’m spending now, is it is important to me that I’d be willing to postpone this event of joy that I really want. Yeah,


Jacob Wagner  14:51:18

long term reward versus short-term gain. Yeah,



yeah. I call it bringing your dreams into your present. Because now if you decide that you don’t want to do that, you’re not telling yourself no, you’re actually telling yourself, yes, to be able to achieve that item that you identified, that was really most important to you. Hmm. Right. So by walking through that process, it becomes very empowering. And the beauty of it is, is that, again, I didn’t use the word budget.


Jacob Wagner  14:51:49

Nicely staying away from the dirty words, not something actually, I’d like to explore a little bit too, you know, it sounds like you’re doing a reframing and rebranding almost on Yeah, budget is a little bit of a dirty word. And sort of talking about in perspective of dreams and hopes and goals, it really opens up the opportunity to further reframes the conversation. And it also seems like you’re putting a lot of ownership of a person’s daily personal finance needs into the hands of the client. That’s very cool.



Yeah. So when I designed CashMap, I wasn’t interested in turning it into a budgeting app. And the reason why there are so many budgeting apps, and they’re excellent applications, and they’re from firms that have really deep pockets. My goal isn’t to try to compete with them. So So notice, where I started, just capture what you’re doing right now. No guilt, just if that’s what you’re doing, and you like where you are, just capture that, not what you think somebody has told you, you should be doing or, or a partner has told you, you should be doing. And you’re in a conflict over wanting to change it. Just start where you are, whether you like where you are, or not just start with that. See what the impact is on being able to again, do what you really, really look forward in love to do. And then when you see that thing, you can say, Oh, well, what if I was to boost my income by $500 a month? Or what if I boosted my income by $500 a month but you know, there’s there are these other things here that, yeah, I like to do them. But now when I think about it, it’s really not that important to me. Well, now the user is driving that conversation. Because you’re clear over where you want to be. It becomes a very natural transition. And that’s, that’s what’s really cool to watch when you actually begin to see individuals come onto the same page where one partner might be a spender. And the other one is a saver. And the Samer, they don’t have any idea where they want to go. And so, you know, the sender is saying, Well, if you leave it to me, we’re gonna end up, you’re gonna end up dying, you’re gonna have all this cash, we have cash under matches this, you never enjoyed it. And it solves all those issues just by being able to walk through that process collectively together. So now when you sit down month by month and look at where you are, now, it’s a moment to get excited, something to be anticipated, it’s now sustainable. And now you just got this little tool that’s giving you the vision that otherwise you wouldn’t have. Mm-hmm.


Jacob Wagner  14:54:40

So what have been some of the challenges that you’ve seen people run into as they’re getting used to the software? Or how, what the process however it works? Yeah,



well, I think, I think one of the biggest things that I did run into was, number one has been, people just generally have some apprehension about their ability to manage their money, they don’t, they see the financial system as being very complex. And so the idea of making a change, they’re not comfortable with doing. And because of that, they are looking for someone to help guide them through the process so that they, because they’re concerned that they might screw it up. And so that’s really why I created the eight-week coaching program, enabling people to just kind of walk it through it step by step so that there’s a sense of comfort and insight that otherwise they’d never been given before. And the goal in mind with the coaching program is literally at the end, they’re going to feel comfortable that they now have a new life skill that they never had before.


Jacob Wagner  14:55:50

So tell me more about this coaching program, what do people learn, and also doesn’t cost anything, all that kind of stuff?



Sure. Then, what people learn in the coaching program is I can boil it down into three primary phases of the program. Phase One is what I call create. Phase Two is discovery. And then phase three is to apply. And so when we start with the creating, that’s where we spend our time focusing on exploring their dreams, being able to help be specific, what they’re looking for, what the cost, potentially would be creating that, just starting with just one month of spending nevermind a year’s budget, I kind of learned one of the problems I learned early on is for most people to create an annual budget. That’s just overwhelming. But I created a tool in which they can walk through week by week, and capture just one month’s spending and start with that, and then move forward. So that’s what I call the Create thing to discover is you’re hearing you’re having a rooster in the background because I’m in Hawaii, and which roosters have what we call jungle fowl, and they’re everywhere. But the Discover is enabling someone to learn some of the key skills so that you’re comfortable talking with their banker, discover includes being able to now once you have your baseline spending, to discover if you make changes, what the effect is of what those changes will be over time. So you can then create and save multiple scenarios using the cash map application that I created to then decide which one you want to end up putting into practice.


Jacob Wagner  14:57:51

That you can compare and contrast the different financial reality financial futures.



Yes, that’s exactly right. That’s exactly what it does. And then the third one is applying is that we provide tools enabling you to clearly see month by month what their solution is going to look like before they ever do it. So again, that sense of well, what if I do it wrong? What if I screw it up? We just eliminate all of that. So that the person actually has a sense at the end of the eight-week period that wow, this is actually really easy.


Jacob Wagner  14:58:30

Cool. What are some of the dreams that you’ve talked about the dreams that people are realizing what are some of the success stories that you’ve seen so far? There’s one that’s really



I can think of a couple that are really funny. One is a colleague of a colleague who is a consultant for small businesses. And so starting and launching his business, he ended up incurring some debt to finance the company and, and he was using the snowball method. And by coming on board and going through the coaching program, he actually found an alternative to being able to accelerate, getting rid of that debt sooner, frankly, he refinanced this fall. So nothing big, but it was something that hadn’t been pointed out to him. The snowball debt was 24%. And so by him refinancing his mortgage, he was able to do that. And I believe it was 3%. And with that, and the subsequent change and improvement in his cash flow, and stopping that high-interest clock, that was building, he’s looking at being able to pay off $189,000 in debt in about four years.


Jacob Wagner  14:59:51

Can you tell us more about how he made that happen? Does that mean that he’s eating crackers and living on the living with the family of eight or something or what



he’s doing this without changing his spending at all. And how that’s possible. This comes back to the beginning comment that I made at the beginning of our discussion. And that was, he also took out a small line of credit. And one of the things that most of us do, that’s never occurred to us is, we leave our money sitting in a checking account doing nothing while we wait to pay our bills, but in mind, our money system checking account, at best, we’re getting point 1% if we’re lucky. But what we teach and pass map is taking a small line of credit, and I say small, I mean no more than they need no more than one and a half times the income than they deposit. So if somebody is depositing eight grand in income every year, I mean every month, the line of credit only needs to be about $12,000 and will take us small draw from that line of credit, toss it at that debt they want to get rid of, and use the bank’s rules to create extremely low-interest rates lower than what the bank would ever offer. And because now I’m paying less interest month after month, it accelerates by the ability to pay off the debt and save significant time paying something off. And of course, paying something off earlier means I’m saving on the exam. And by and by doing that, I haven’t changed the spending unless they want to change the spending. So I see other items, but all we’re really doing is putting your income to work. And using the banks’ rules to your benefit if you understand how they work. And it’s pretty painless, it’s just a change in the process really is all it is. And it’s low risk, you can unwind what you’re doing at any time if the bank was to decide to because the line of credit is so small, by and large, it just kind of goes right under the bank’s radar. So it minimizes any risk of them, freezing it. And even if they do, it’s so small. So you’re not risking a lot. And at the same time, we encourage people to continue savings programs so that they’re only using this small line of credit for creating wealth. And if something unexpected comes up, they’ve got the cash to take care of it.


Jacob Wagner  15:02:38

So how does this work? This whole like line of credit thing, and you know, our audience definitely is aware of all the instruments we’re talking about. But just you know, connecting the dots on how we ended up with these sorts of how you can have a full $1,000 line of credit clear out $180,000 a debt like you’re saying a minute ago?



Well, I think every individual is going to be different. But I will say this, let me just kind of slip into a simple illustration day to help maybe your users understand if we were to start with and I think you and I have talked about this example before. If you can find a bank to pay you 20% interest, Jake, what would you do?


Jacob Wagner  15:03:19

Please? Do I sign in? How much do you want? How much can I put into that? That’s a good interest rate. Yeah.



Is it really doesn’t exist but yeah, if it did, here’s what you would do. Number one, you understand that the bank pays you interest based on the average daily balance. So if you know somebody is going to pay you based on the average daily balance, the higher the averages for the month. Them The bank is going to pay you, right?


Jacob Wagner  15:03:53

This is what happens inside of the line of credit.



Well, in when the reason why I’m using this example of Yes, it is to answer your question. If it’s when the bank is paying us, they pay us based on the average daily balance, so you want to keep it as high as possible. And so to do that, you put your money in as early in the month as you could write to keep the balance high. Okay. And then you would reschedule paying all your bills to the last day of that period that the bank uses to calculate what they’re going to pay you. Because you want to keep the average as high as you can. Now, the beauty of it is, it works exactly the same way in a line of credit. But in reverse, if I do the same thing. Now my goal is to write to minimize the average daily balance. So what does that mean? Now I’m, I’m taking money from a line of credit. I’m tossing it at whatever did I want to get rid of, instead of just leaving it sitting there, which is what most people do. Most people, if they take a line of credit, and they’re using it for a renovation or anything, here’s your tip for your viewers for, you know, right now for them to put to work. They take the money out, it sits there all month long. And they wait for the bank to build them. Right? Okay. Well, instead, instead of letting that balance, sit there, hi. Take your income, put it into that line of credit, lower the balance,


Jacob Wagner  15:05:36

okay. And then, and then you’re starting to be on the right side of the interest rate. Right?



Exactly. Because now I’ve lowered the balance. And if I go to the next step to reschedule paying my bills to the end of the billing period, it keeps the balance low. And now all of a sudden, I’m not paying much interest, and when I need to pay my bills, then I just take the money, put it back on my checking account paying my bills. Hmm. Now I’ve kept my money working for me all month long. It’s a small little shift. But timing is huge.


Jacob Wagner  15:06:06

Well, it’s about being on the winning side of the interest rate, right? I mean, a part of what you’re talking about here is one mitigating those 24 25%, interest rate 15%, whatever credit cards, so that you’re not paying the interest over there. And then you are building wealth with interest within the through the line of credit, if I’m understanding Yeah,



no, exactly. Right. That’s exactly right. So the line of credit allows you to use simple interest to your benefit. you’re avoiding compounding interest that you would be having on a credit card.


Jacob Wagner  15:06:44

That sounds pretty great. How does someone know? Like, yeah, how does someone like is are they going to just get this out of the cache map experience? Or how do you encourage someone to start into this technique into the strategy?



Well, you can a couple of things like if you can visit my website, at cash, map, app, calm, every couple of weeks, I actually do an hour-long seminar around the concept is free, so you can sign up to learn more there. Okay, I also have a YouTube channel that I’ve created called cash map app, where I’ve recorded a bunch of YouTube videos around the concept. And then before, if you’d like the coaching, then we set up a time to talk to make sure that it’s a good fit for you. Now, as I have no interest in finding somebody in a coaching program, that is not a good fit. They need to feel comfortable with the concept of what I’m teaching, they need to feel comfortable that what they’re going to have at the end of this eight-week class. And by the way, along with the coaching, it’s I provide lifetime ongoing questions and answers in which people can end up calling in and just checking in for an update as far as what they’re learning and questions that they might not be sure about. So it’s not one of those things that you go through the class and then you’re done. And I don’t hear you don’t hear from me again. So the idea is to continually coach, build a skill, have the confidence, see how easy it is and then be able to visualize just the life-transforming experience of being able to achieve what’s most important to you sooner than you thought possible.


Jacob Wagner  15:08:30

Okay, so how about when a financial planner who’s listening to this episode right here is thinking as they’re listening to us talk about this one client or these three clients, whatever it is, who could really use your services?  How would you like them to start to enter the process of working on their cash flow with you important not too far? If Dennis is helping your clients with it, then that’s also taken some of that weight off your shoulders. Any specific to, you know, cash flow? And, and yeah, this cash planning stuff. So there are some pretty cool opportunities right there.



No, exactly right. And so there’s a wide degree of flexibility that I offer if the financial planner is, and I’ve had some financial planners Tell me, well, you’re doing what I do. And so I’m very free with the information and what I’m doing. And so if they certainly want to replicate what I’m doing, then certainly just give me a buzz, and let’s talk. On the other side, I’ve had bad financial planners saying, Yeah, I’ve got some challenging customers, and I’d be willing to refer them to you. And in those scenarios, I also have an affiliate program with that, but that financial planner as well. So the idea here is to be client-focused and create win-wins. Because the more we do this, and people move forward, it’s a win for everybody. Yeah, fan. Location is such a problem. That is what needs to be met. I don’t feel threatened in any way, shape, or form.


Jacob Wagner  15:10:00

Well, and I say that I don’t think you guys are really in competition, either. Because what the planners that I talked to, it’s planning for decades, the rest of your life planning for retirement planning for large purchases, kids, college education, providing for yourself, and what you’re talking about Dennis is about today, and a planner is focusing on the future. And frankly, I you show me the app, and folks, we’re gonna have links to everything in the description. So make sure to check that out and download the app and check out his YouTube channel, all that kind of fun stuff. And in this situation that you’re helping someone decide, one understands where they are, which is crucial. And then it’s helping them choose where they want to be. And when they when a client brings that information back to a planner, all of a sudden, you go, Oh, this is how I want to use my money. Guy pro reports are tools, that there’s a way that you can take the information from this word, and then just double down and bring that back to your longer-term conversation. And you’ll just be more accurate as a result, and now you’re going where they want to go.



You’re spot on, Jake. That’s exactly right. I see this as just a real complementary relationship that enhances the role of financial planning.


Jacob Wagner  15:11:18

So do you have an affiliate thing for them? Or how do you want on a b2b level? How do you want to be interacting with the registered investment advisory firm or manual plan or however they’re regulated?



At this point, what I ended up doing is I, the affiliate program enables me to pay them 25% of the coaching revenue that I pick up.


Jacob Wagner  15:11:38

Okay. And it’s super expensive, or, you know, what’s that look like?



The coaching program is $2,000.


Jacob Wagner  15:11:45

Okay, that’s pretty reasonable,



I think is really reasonable for the savings that the individual is going to be getting. Okay.


Jacob Wagner  15:11:54

And is that the same? So there’s the coaching program, and there’s an app, or is the app free, and is it you know, I think is only available on iPhone right now as well. So splitting, reviewing those, its availability



is available on Google Play, as well as on the Apple App Store, the monthly cost is 1599. And I’ve got a quarterly semi-annual and then a lifetime purchase the right now is 249 99, which I will be increasing, actually, I will be increasing that to closer to 400. Because it’s one of these items that they’re gonna, you know, it’s the gift that keeps on giving. But yeah, you buy it once, and they have it and buy and if somebody goes to the coaching program, I give them as a part of the coaching cost, it’s they get three months of access for free.


Jacob Wagner  15:12:42

Mm-hmm. And that’s pretty full access to you and what everyone what you’re hearing on this podcast is the little bit of what Dennis is learned, and what he’s talked to me about, and that when someone jumps into that coaching program, that they’re going to get a whole lot more, and I have no relationship with them on this affiliate situation or anything, I



just think that he has a great product that I want you to know about. And I want your clients know about it. I appreciate the again, the opportunity and, and the support J


Jacob Wagner  15:13:13

Yeah, absolutely. And I don’t see the correct place exactly where this is going to relate to financial planner marketing. But I do see that actually is this is a part of the whole lifecycle that part of what’s going on like, as we talked about marketing, that’s about client acquisition, but a part of especially you guys know, this part of the management planning acquisition client acquisition process is through referrals. And so by providing this excellent sort of service to your clients, they’re gonna tell their friends and they’re gonna also see the differences that are being made in their lives. I’m pretty amazed by some of the numbers that Dennis has been talking about. Here, Dennis, could you talk about a review another example of how much debt can be paid off to with a small line of credit, because you talked to me about some pretty amazing small numbers that are really like this is achievable for your clients, even if they’re not ultra-high net worth.



As a general, it’s not unusual for me to see somebody being able, if you’re talking about a mortgage, to be able to have it paid off in half the time. That’s not unusual at all, for me to see that. I just, I just finished a client case just now that brand, their rough scenario, they just refinance, and they were going to be able to have theirs paid off in 12 years. Cool. So it’s not. And of course, again, what I always get is a reaction, as soon as somebody sees that, all of a sudden they start asking questions, well, what more can I do to get it down faster? Well, you just


Jacob Wagner  15:14:45

save him like at least $100,000 or something, probably, I mean, whether you just went from you’re keeping the interest grant in the same range as a 30-year mortgage, and you’re paying it off. And the same timing as a 15 year without paying the higher interest rates, and some of the other parts are involved. So it’s a lot of savings that are being left on the table here. And the other part that I’m really seeing about this isn’t like black magic, or weird or anything really, what you’re doing is you’re just, it’s about timing. It’s about the first last name and stuff that we all know about. And it’s about keeping the line of credit full, so that that way, you’re always on the winning side of the interest rate. And it’s not terribly complicated. It’s just that this is a strategy that we haven’t really seen implemented yet. And I’ve talked with some planners about this before having this interview. And everyone’s that’s pretty cool. It says this is an amazing result that Dennis has been able to make here. And that’s one of the reasons we wanted to share it with you.



Yeah, it’s my goal is my goal was for it to be simple. And I’ll tell you, I’ll tell you the biggest challenge I have Jake, actually, the biggest challenge I have is that because we know the existing system. When we moved to this mindset, we’re still trying to reconcile the two and you really can’t. And so I had a buddy of mine, he’s up in Canada, and, and he would tell me, oh, this sounds really complicated. So I said, Hey, let me try to explain this to your 10 and 12-year-old, and he started laughing at me say, Sure. Okay. So I explained it to his 10 and 12-year-old and the 10-year-old turned to his dad and said, Dad, this is really easy. Why don’t you listen to Uncle Dennis? They, they weren’t familiar with the existing system. So when I was teaching it to them, the steps seem pretty straightforward. And so it wasn’t like they were having to reconcile anything.


Jacob Wagner  15:16:43

Well, and the kids don’t have the same money autobiography, they’re still writing theirs. And you’re also passing one of the highest litmus tests that we got out there. If you can explain a concept to a kid and they get it, then you’re really being clear. And if the adults aren’t getting it, that means that we need to break some of our assumptions and perspectives and critical thinking and understand what’s really available here.



Yeah, you’re right. So I would argue that, yes, I set, I set this bar of making it simple for kids. But the reality is, is that we’re trying to reconcile what we know with this new piece, and that becomes a challenge for me to be able to kind of break that down so that they’re letting go of those other approaches that they thought were Givens.


Jacob Wagner  15:17:38

There’s a lot of indoctrination with just the fiat money system. Like we have our way we think that it’s always going to be like this. And it’s always been like this. And the truth of it is, are the innovations like what Dennis is talking about, and how we deal with money as a whole change. I mean, we left the gold standard in 1973. But it’s really it’s changed on a regular basis over time. And even over the course of my lifetime, how now we have people able to invest from their cell phones, we have people being a lot more aware of what the stock market is, look, National Literacy, mental awareness, all of these things are what a financial planner is in the role that you play in their lives and why they need you. And don’t Yeah, I mean, question, you know, think critically, but also be open to what might be coming down the line next. Because, yeah, yeah, one of the things with money, we can play by different rules. That’s part of the deal with it, and this is a pretty cool way to do that. Exactly. for that. Dennis, I want to say thank you for coming on the show. This has been an incredible conversation, folks who are listening. I hope you’ve really gotten a lot out of this episode. And please make sure to comment, subscribe, and share. Please share this episode with some colleagues that you think might want to know about this or possibly with clients if that’s appropriate. And with that, I’d like to say thank you so much. And I’ll see you on the next episode of digital marketing for FP Take care and have a great day. Thank you


cashmap, CFP practitioner, client experience, credit, finserv, fintech, practice management

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