Identify the best way to approach a client, prospect or family member using the DISC Personality Test via Crystal Knows. Find where you land on this circle here for FREE. If the Golden Rule is to "do onto others as you wish others to do onto you" then the Crystal Rule is to "communicate with others in the way that is easiest for them to receive what you have to say." There are numerous personality and other mental tests that allow us to shine a little bit of light into how we relate to others.  We've studied KOLBE, Sally Hogshead, Spiral Dynamics, Integral Theory (Jake studied with Ken Wilber), Enneagram, Myers-Briggs and, in this episode, the DISC Personality Test. Each of these tests are vetted with the high standards of the American Psychological Association (APA).  Many of these tools have been used for decades, which creates a great basis to understand the significance of the factors used in these personality tests. Each of index tests a different facet of our personality.  We highly encourage you to use these systems to create a better team. The folks at have developed an incredible tool using the DISC Personality Test that will give you a leg up in every LinkedIn conversation.  Based on the content of a person's profile the Crystal Chrome Extension scans a prospect or vendor's LinkedIn profile and shares effective ways to communicate that will be received well by your connection.  Since you don't know if a person wants to be related to or for you to get straight to the point, this is a very powerful tool! Greg Skloot, one of Crystal's founders was kind enough enough to share his insight in the first episode of the second season of the 4FP podcast. If you'd like to see the Crystal team in action we encourage you to check out this additional resource of Crystal analyzing Zoom's C-suite team.  It's fascinating! Get the book Predicting Personality here. Get the Crystal Knows Chrome extension here!  


Welcome to Digital Marketing for Financial Planners, the podcast where you learn which digital marketing strategies are working best for advisors. We interview financial planners who share what is working or not for their practice. Today we have Greg Skloot who has a wonderful program called Crystal Knows and is an expert in DISC profiles, which is one of the handy ways that we can understand a little bit about our internal drivers and in the drivers of the people that we talk to on a daily basis. First of all, just could you explain a little bit about who you are, your background, and a little bit of why we talked about having you join us today? Absolutely. I love talking about personality. Quick background on myself, the co-founder of a company called Crystal. We're a software startup based down in Nashville, Tennessee, and we build an app that can tell you anyone's personality. It uses AI and machine learning to actually analyze someone's LinkedIn profile or resume, basically the words that they choose to describe themselves. And based on that, it can predict their personality traits, behaviors, motivations, communication style.
 It's almost like looking into a crystal ball before you meet someone new and getting guidance on how to best talk to them in a way that will most resonate with their personality. 
It’s a really cool product has been described as creepy often because of its accuracy which, you know what? I'm going to take that as a compliment. We got started in 2015 in Boston and built the company up since and it's been a lot of fun so far. Here’s the other thing I've heard from folks. Can you turn this off? Is there a way to block this software? Because wow I feel exposed with exactly how much this is clearly revealing about me from my LinkedIn profile. Yeah. Everybody has control over what public information they put out there. With AI and machine learning, you can, even with a little bit of public information, can draw some really interesting conclusions.
It does the work because it is publicly available, whatever these people have written about them.
  Cool. And is there's something about a Gmail integration too or am I remembering that wrong? No. No, you're right. It primarily is on LinkedIn, but you can also use the Chrome Extension to integrate with Gmail. Particularly once you scan somebody on LinkedIn, if you write them a note in Gmail, you can then see their personality traits and tips on how to communicate with them effectively. I'd say LinkedIn is the primary place to get the best data.   And that's the primary place I've used it, and it's been really helpful to know that there's sometimes where, especially if this is a person that you haven't met, understanding whether this is the kind of individual that wants to be approached directly or whether they want to get to know you a little bit first or, you know, just some of the details that we're going to get to in a second around the disc profile. But just understanding how it is that someone would like to be talked to so that that way you can start the conversation off right. Absolutely. And it's funny, you just said something that is so critical. It's how someone likes to be talked to. You know, Jake, do you remember like when we were growing up, did your parents ever say, you know, treat other people the way you want to be treated, right? It's like the classic good advice to give as you're growing up. In some ways, we actually think that it's, it's the opposite.
You don't want to treat other people the way you want to be treated, you want to treat other people the way they want to be treated because the way you want to be treated might be very different than the way someone else wants to be treated.
And of course, we can say the word "treated" replaced with "talk to", "interacted with", "sold to", "recruited", and understanding people's personality can really give some clues into how someone else may want to be treated.   Can you dive in a little bit more on why personality matters? And some of the ways the folks might benefit from applying the DISC process to their business life. When we think about personality, we like to think about it in terms of empathy. If I have a better understanding of your personality, coming back to what we described earlier, I can communicate with you the way that you want and I can position things in a way that will most resonate with your personality, rather than just doing it the way that it comes naturally to me. When we do that, when we communicate with more empathy, and this could be at home, with our co-workers, with clients, with prospects.
When we communicate with anyone in an empathetic way, we are building a stronger relationship.
We're making it, the relationship more enjoyable, more effective, and reducing any barriers to communication. We know a core part of our belief in building Crystal is that that communicating with empathy is such a powerful tool to build stronger relationships. And when you think about it, relationships are some of the most important things that make businesses and everything else work. That's, I think, at the core why we feel personality is just so important.   I also think it's really helpful for a lot of the folks that are listening to this program on just under-- with the sort of information, I think it's really helpful to understand when you're talking to your clients or prospects, what is it that they care about having in that conversation? What do they want the conversation to focus on and what do they want to make sure to get out of that conversation. I think that part of why I wanted folks to know more about this is that it can help them be of greater service to your clients and really help get to their underlying needs, rather than having them call you when the stock market tanks because of the Corona Virus or something like that. yeah a very, very relevant example.   Could you go into just a little bit of explaining what the different DISC personality profiles are? Maybe a little bit of history on how did this process get discovered? Yeah, absolutely. Personality and, particularly Crystal.
Crystal is based on a personality framework called DISC. DISC has been around for about a hundred years.
Oddly, it was invented by the same guy that invented the Polygraph so he came up with a lot of, a lot of good ideas. And DISC was one of them. It's the same kind of core four factor model is Big Five and some other really scientifically validated personality frameworks. And the essence of it is that there are four core categories of personality traits and everybody falls with broadly within one of these categories and you usually fall partially within one of the categories and then a little bit in a second category. You have a mixture of both. The categories are what make up DISC, D-I-S-C. And it's part of I think the reason why DISC has been so popular especially at work is that it's just so intuitive. A high level on each of these is D-I-S-C. And you know, for those are listening, as I go through these you'll probably start to think "Okay, I definitely see one of these really sounds like me and then another one kind of sounds like me" And that's essentially how it works. The first type of the D-type is dominant. So this is characteristics that are assertive, ambitious, intense, fast-paced, goal-oriented, lots of really great personality traits. At the same time, and every type has strengths and blind spots. There's just some of the strengths of the D-type. On the blind spot side, a D-type can be pushy, aggressive, and domineering. And for the record, I fall pretty strongly into this, into this D-type. So I have both the strengths of the blind spots for sure. That's the D. You know some examples: Mark Cuban would be a really classic, classic D-type. Oprah has a lot of D personality traits. Now let's go to ‘I’. The ‘I’ types are the enthusiastic, cheerful, outgoing, relaxed, casual. My business partner is a classic ‘I’, so these are the folks that just they walk into the party and light up the room. They are the center of attention, you know, they are so much fun to be friends with. They make everything fun and exciting. Now at the same time, just like everybody else, they also have blind spots. They can be unfocused, inconsistent, missing details, kind of bouncing along around from idea to idea, a little all over the place, forgetful. Some of the blind spots of an I personality, you know. Taylor Swift is a really famous ‘I.’ It would be a good pop culture icon personality. That's a classic ‘I’ personality, kind of a bubbly life in the party. okay, so we have now D be dominant, I which is imaginative, and then we have S in DISC. The S types or steady are going to be calm, patient, supporting, peaceful, warm. This is the type of person that is going to be so great at consoling somebody, supporting somebody, listening attentively, would also make a really great friend. At the same time it has blind spots. An S-type can be overly cautious, sometimes passive, delaying decisions because don't want to take a risk or try something new. And anyway, some famous s types- Gandhi would be a really good example. Though some, certainly some really important personality traits that you want to have around you in the S. Finally on to the C-types. C is cons- conscientious. So C-types are going to be people that exhibit personality traits like being logical, skeptical, precise, analytical, reserved, and systematic. This is kind of the classic engineer. They could be really great at figuring out a hard problem, diving into the details of something, and getting the right answer. At the same time, a C-type can be overly critical. They can be risk-averse, they can try to be a perfectionist in solving a problem and go too slowly. Bill Gates would be a really famous C-type, Diane Sawyer, you know, in investigative journalism, Mark Zuckerberg, a couple really famous C-types.  
Everybody falls somewhere on this personality map.
  We have a mixture of sometimes all of these, but usually you have a primary type and a secondary type. For example, I'm a DC. So my primary is Dominant and my second is, secondary as Conscientious. We have a running joke at our company that this is really like one of the most, most dangerous combinations because I'm forceful and I pay attention to the details so it can be, it could be an intense person to work with. There you go. I get results, but I can be intense. Everybody is something different, you know.  
No type is better or worse than another and we always say that on a well-balanced team, you want to have a mixture.
  But it was, we'll go into soon. Not surprisingly, how these types interact, you could start to think about this just based on these very unique descriptions. These different types have wildly different preferences for how they want to communicate, how they think about risk, how they want to interact with someone, it is so different based on the type. And understanding someone's type, it just gives you almost a new language to be able to understand the people you're around and you'll work with them more effectively.   So are there combinations where like the D profiles going to have certain, like, frequent communication issues or complements with different personalities. Do some of these conflict with each other? How does that work? That's an awesome question. They absolutely do, and there's a really simple way to think about it. So I know we don't have a visual here. But if you imagine the DISC map and it's a circle. The D is in the top left, the I is in the top right, the S is in the bottom right, and the C is in the bottom left. Imagine a circle cut, or a pie cut into four equal pieces. D-I-S-C. The top has the D and the I, the top of the map. And the top of the map are typically people that seek control, guiding, directing, leading, and persuading others. These are like the ringleaders. If you have two personalities at the top, let's say two D personalities, or even a D and an I, both of those people may want to be in the driver's seat. So in order to interact in effectively, one of them often will have to take a step back and either you'll come to a consensus and or let someone else take the lead and alternate. Because otherwise it will have what we call a Control Conflict. Two people are butting heads, sure, we see this all the time.  
And then you can think bottom-top, north-south, again bottom top doesn't mean best or worst position on the map.
  The bottom of the map, the S and the C, can have what we call a Control Vacuum where neither of them necessarily wants to fully make a decision or take the lead, so they can end up spinning in circles and the neither wants to take control. So that can be a, you know, a different type of conflict. So that's some of the basics. And then additionally, that's the top and the bottom, when we have people that are on the left side of the map. This is the D at the top left, and the C in the bottom left. Those are people that are typically share a personality trait of independence. Ds and Cs are typically a bit less people-oriented and a little bit more task-oriented. Again that forceful detail, get-the-task objective done. When they communicate, it tends to be really natural because they can skip the pleasantries and jump right down to the bottom line. And on the other side of the map, the I and the S on the right are naturally a bit more people-oriented. They're going to both want to take a little bit more time to get to know one another, pleasantries and conversation, opening lines in emails, etcetera. As you can imagine, when you mix the left and the right, a D with an I or an S, an S with a D or a C, etcetera. They have different natural communication styles. If you don't know the DISC language, and if you're not communicating sympathetically, that can create a natural conflict which we see play out all the time in our day to day lives. We don't think about it as much, it's more like "That conversation didn't really click" or "I don't feel like her and I got along that well." DISC and the spring work helps us actually pinpoint why and gives us the tools to adjust our behavior to actually get along better, regardless of where each other is on that personality map.   Okay, so we've talked about potential conflicts. Are their personalities that are really going to complement each other in one way or another? Yeah, I mean so all of them can create complements. As a great point, the D and the S is probably like a classic very opposite. The D is assertive and fast-paced and on the negative side, sometimes like in-your-face, right? There, now this is really important when someone needs to take charge of a situation and get something done. The S is the diplomatic, caring, more methodical moving, couldn't be more opposites. But when you're recruiting a well-balanced, you know balance, the D can charge through to get something done and the S can continue to keep everything, make sure everybody's feeling calm and good about it and perhaps escalate emotional issues up for the discussion that maybe the D wouldn't initially think about. Even though they're so opposite, they can complement each other really nicely. And you can find those compliments across any of them. Now the D and the I. The D might, and my business partner and I are great examples of this. I'm a DC, he's an ID. So he comes up with great bold creative ideas. I take them and critique them, take the best parts of them, and actually go make them real. And we complement each other so nicely because he's, he hates to do the stuff that I like to do because they're outside his comfort zone and I hate to do the stuff that he likes to do because they're outside my comfort zone.   That sounds like a match made in heaven. It sure is. You can find balance. The key is understanding what we call Energy Costs, where if a D personality has to act like an S. For example, let's say I'll keep using myself as an example here. Let's say I have to go home and be really consoling and supportive for someone that had a bad day. Now, of course, I can do that. I'm not a monster. But that takes more energy for me. It doesn't come naturally. I have to kind of coach myself saying "Hey, this is really important for the other person at home" So you'll let me shift into S mode and be extra caring and supportive and sympathetic. I can do that once in a while, but if that was my job every day, I'd go crazy because it's outside my natural comfort zone. when we understand that, we can try to find other people that compliment for our blind spots for the things that cost a lot of energy for us.
We all can focus on the areas that energize us rather than the ones that drain us.
    It also sounds like one of the big parts that we're trying to talk about here is that no one's locked into one of these profiles exactly. There might be a way that our brain really thinks that way, you know, like I'm a D for primary as well, but there are times that I need to shift into and be one of these other, you know in one of these other personalities and it's important to understand what gives me energy, what takes energy away from me, but also, you know, not think that there's a place in here where I can't do some of this stuff but also to understand that maybe a certain hard conversation with a close friend or a lover or something like that, you know. It might take a little bit of prep time, or maybe I need to take some personal time after the conversation make sure that I'm balanced still and that that conversation didn't take too much out of me. Does that sound right to you? What else would you add? That's it. That's a great way to think about it. In the visual that everybody will be able to see as they’re listening, think about the map as literally like a map that you're driving across. If let's see, oh Jake's a D and he has to shift to I mode. He has to be greeting people at a party, and he has to talk to everybody constantly. He can do it and depending on what type of where he is on the D map, maybe that's easier or harder. But he has to drive a little bit from his spot in the D area over to the right, to the I to do that task. Now, it's not that long of a drive so he should be able to do it with not too much extra energy. But if he has to, in the example you just shared, console somebody after a long day in the S region, that's a little bit further away. You can still do it but that's a longer drive. The goal is to think about it in terms of "Okay, I only have a limited amount of gas in the tank. I can't drive across this map all day. I've got to try to figure out a way to optimize my- my wife and my work to spend most of the time at home in my natural state." It doesn't take that much gas to get around. And that way, I have plenty of saved up gas in the tank to drive across the map when I need to, you know whether it's shifting to C mode, to work on data in a spreadsheet, I mode to speak in front of a large group, or D mode to lead a team through an emergency. We can all shift when we need to, but we should recognize those energy costs and the implications of that.   Yeah, definitely. Also, anyone who has met me in after-hours at FPA conference or something like that, those I definitely have no problem with sitting there and having great conversation with everybody. I think it's a, some of the other, other, maybe the S and the C. A little bit bigger challenge for me to get to because you can, you know, I definitely have the part of me where when it's time to work, we sit there to get down to business and be really straightforward because really there's just so much going on that I want to make sure to stay present to the task at hand. And then after work when it's time to actually have those great conversations, then I want to dig into it and sit there and wax poetic with somebody else and have a great conversation. And maybe some of this other stuff just doesn't come quite as easily for me or also maybe it's a part of my personal personality more than my business personality as well. Do you find that that someone has one way that they are during the day (during work) because that's what serves them best in that situation there, you know, and really focusing on another personality at other hours of the day or on the weekend? You know, it totally depends on the person. There are definitely people that do have that shift into different personality states at work and at home. My family will definitely confirm that there is a hundred percent consistency whether I am running a company or at home, which as you can imagine, creates lots of interesting conflict. It all depends on the person. And it's, and it's totally okay either way, it's just great to recognize it and know as an example, right? If my natural state is DC General mode, which is you know, really great for leading a company, especially with the ups and downs of a start-up. Sometimes that's not always applicable at home. So I need to recognize. All right, maybe I need to shift into a little bit more S modes which are often really appreciated when you're not giving directives in the workplace. And to be sure there are also plenty of times where an S personality is really important at work for keeping a team happy, making sure people's emotions are being thought about, making sure people are comfortable, every personality really has applicability in both personal and work situations.   And also, even with this, Greg, it sounds like some of the research I've done for this podcast. Like these for top profiles are definitely, you know, the major quadrants of the system, but also there's a bunch of sub-personalities as well, isn't there? There are. So in Crystal's model, which is a flavor of DISC, we kind of took it and made it our own. There are sixteen core personality types. However, think of that map, and everybody can look at the visual to see. Imagine there's a latitude and longitude on that map and anybody could land any degrees on that map. So while you will fall into one of these, one of the four big quadrants, each of those four are cut into another fours. There are sixteen core types and we call them Archetypes. You could be towards one end of a region or the other, and that changes everything. In Crystal, when we present content and personality types, there are literally hundreds of different variations that you might get based on where you land within a slice of that pie. It gets really precise. But to keep things simple, there are four core types, D, I, S, and C, and a total of sixteen, we'll call them subtypes, and the go around the map.   What's one of the best ways for a listener to learn more about themselves and this DISC profile system? I mean, it seems like maybe folks could just, you know, with trip to the Google Chrome Store, they can get Crystal as a program and plug it in. Is that the best way to? should they just go and click on the button and see what their profile says? Or how she folks go and learn more about this? Yeah, two ways. First you could sign up for Crystal and take that personality test for free. It's really easy. It's about 15 questions and I'll spit right out your DISC type and your archetype, one of those sixteen on types. It will give you some really good insights in your basic profile. And then you can also go and install the Chrome extension, and that's the little app for LinkedIn when you sign up for Crystal, it gives you a link to do that. And then you'd take it for a spin. There's a free trial of it so everybody can pull it up and open up a couple people's LinkedIns and it gets really addicting. Look up your co-workers, clients, people you work with the most, and see what the AI predicts. It's usually pretty darn close.   Cool! And is this something that folks should be having everybody in their office taking? How would they, you know, take the next steps to understand some of the inter-office dynamics that can occur with DISC and how to apply that so they improve their firm operations? Yeah, I'd say they are similarly two really, kind of important applicable ways to apply this, you know, all this great insight. The first is internally, and that is absolutely everybody at the company, should take up the personality test. We have some great tools available like relationship and group reports where you can combine a couple of different people's personalities and Crystal will generate a report that shows how they get along, where they might run into conflict, and how they can communicate with each other better. I mean when you buy a product, they ship it with a how-to manual. Unfortunately, as I'm sure all of you have noticed, people do not come with how-to manuals. We have to figure it out as we go, which anybody that exists in the real world knows can be real frustrating sometimes. What gets me so excited about our business is it is like a how-to manual for a person. It helps you better understand what makes each person them and how to better build a strong relationship with them. Having each person internally take the personality test, share the profiles with co-workers, run some of those reports, is great for the internal case. The second, the external case, is using this with prospects and clients. And I mean, I obviously I'm a little biased here but once you start doing it, if it clicks, I mean, the habit just becomes a forever thing. This is how I think. How can I walk into a meeting with someone new without knowing their personality? It's like I'm flying blind. Having a Chrome extension, especially for everybody that's customer-facing, whether they're talking to a new prospect, sending a cold email, making a call, go into a first coffee meeting, or a long-term client relationship, you know. The insights talk about the person's risk tolerance and the person's, you know, preferences for communication and their deeper motivations. I mean, this is stuff that can really make or break, building a really world-class relationship with a client. Especially for the world that our listeners are living in, that is just critical for the successes of your practices. I definitely recommend doing the external use case too with predicting people's personalities from a LinkedIn profile.   Are there any other ways that you suggest the folks take this DISC stuff and apply it to their work? I mean, I've definitely loved what I found with the LinkedIn extension. Is there anything else that we want to make sure that the users know about? Well, I mean, I think this is the big stuff and, you know, once you understand the content, you can see it in Crystal. We give you lots of great tactical advice on day-to-day communication scenarios. For example, we are going to features called the Conversation Coach. It will give you guidance on how to make a sales pitch. Obviously it’s very important for anyone trying to acquire new clients. And even just to run through a quick example now. Jake, you mentioned you took DISC before and you also talked about how you have no problem. You're really interacting with people socially at an event. I wouldn't be surprised if you're a combination of D and I, you know a D-I personality, which is by the way a very common for people that are in leadership roles, in roles at running a podcast. That would not surprisingly be right up your alley.   Yeah, feels right for sure. Also supposing that's true run through a quick example here. Let's say I wanted to send a sales email to someone with your personality type. Thinking about a couple of do's and don'ts, and these are things that Crystal would tell us. I've now looked at Crystal so often it's kind of burned into my memory, but let's say I want to send a sales email to Jake, introducing myself, right? Some things that might be helpful, sending some visual aids via email or a screen share. You're providing a high-level summary. If I send Jake a really long detailed email that goes on for six paragraphs, I'm probably going to lose his attention. Versus if I put a big bold summary at the top with some key ideas and key action items, maybe a bulleted list, maybe a graphic included, that's going to really help. And if making sure that Jake might have a lot of different ideas, making sure that we keep the conversation focused based on what our objectives are. If he has feedback, I would want to make sure that I react really quickly to it because he's going to be fine with moving the conversation quickly in different directions. These would be things that would be really helpful in an e-mail or a call with someone like Jake. And Jake, tell me how am I doing? Is that fairly close to what would be good for you?   Yeah, it is, it is. And even also, even watching some of the things that might not work for me as well because, you know, there's definitely times we all write a lot of different emails, you know, like a long vs. short e-mail. And a lot of the time those 500 plus word e-mails don't serve me and I'll actually go and filter it and try to cut out the high-level parts and try to make it so that it's a shorter pit year and actually. I'm always practicing my email marketing writing, and so it's just making sure that visually, it's going to actually be easily digestible when someone receives the message. Right.
The key to keep in mind is it depends who it is receiving that message.
Because for you, when you look at that email, your natural instinct is this is too long, I need to cut it and get to the high-level summary because when you look in the email, that's what you want. A C-S personality might actually love that really long email with lots of details and attachments, you know, references to past experience, additional data, detail on the product or service. That's going to resonate totally different way with a different type.   Yeah. And so I'll give an S or a C personality more more mental word food for them to chew on while they're still on an evaluation process. Exactly.
Every evaluation process is just completely different than yours.
If you know that, you recognize it, it's not necessarily about optimizing all of your emails to be, “good”. It's about having a couple of different styles of emails and recognizing who you're talking to and being okay with sending a longer email to a C-S, and making sure that you cut down that email to a bulleted list when you send it to a D-C.   Absolutely. I mean, I have some clients that really, they want to know the details. They want to see how well I thought about something, and then there's other clients that they know I'm on top of my game and that's what they hired me for was to know this stuff and they really want a one-sentence email, maybe three, on whatever we're talking about, whether it's you know, making a video campaign or, it's running set of ads or even just the current status on a website field. It definitely depends on who I'm talking to and what is going to help them get the information that they need so that they're happy clients. That's right. There's an excellent way to think about it.
I think it [Crystal's AI personality software] is really going to be the future.
You know, we talk about personality AI. That's kind of the technology behind Crystal. It's very new, your personality of course has been around for a while, but the idea of being able to predict it for other people maybe you don't know well yet and apply these insights. I, and again of course I'm biased here, but I believe that is just going to be game-changing in the sorting of winners and losers in the business world. Between people that recognize these differences and adjust their styles accordingly. They're the ones that are going to be able to cut through the noise and actually reach people in a unprecedented time of just unprecedented saturation of communication where people are just bombarded with messages. The ones that are written seem like they're really written for them or the ones they're going to bubble up to the top.   Yeah, and show up at the right time too. I mean, one of the things I really try to focus on with clients is what we call in the Digital Marketing World, CX, which is the actual consumer's experience. And basically, we want to have the right message that matches the personality show up at the right time. And in that way where they're like "oh wow, yeah. I have a couple of minutes. I'm totally ready to learn more about this" and then they, you know, click on it, or pick up the phone, or download your lead magnet or whatever have you, right? Yeah.   What else do you want to make sure that the audience knows? I think that this has been a wonderful conversation and I've certainly learned a lot. And if you have, like, a couple of points that you want to make sure that folks take away from this. What would those be? Yeah. I mean, we packed a ton of great information here. I hope your listeners are enjoying. If you're really interested in this stuff and especially the how and why my co-founder and I just actually published a book in November, they're widely out called Predicting Personality, go figure. And so if anybody wants, like, the really inside story of how it all works. You can search it on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, whatever, you should be able to find it. And otherwise, there's also our website,, there's a ton of free resources that talk about each of the personality types and go into a lot of this stuff in more depth. So, there's lots of great ways to learn about this and learn the language. It is so simple once it clicks and I promise it will be something that sticks with you forever and it becomes a really big part of how you communicate. I’m so excited to share this stuff with everybody.   Me too. And I think this has been a great amount of information for folks and if you guys have any questions, please write to us at There's also, and we'll make sure to get you connected. Greg has amazing software here that really, it gives an insight that you, just to recap, it allows you to be able to speak to someone on the way that they want to be spoken to, which just allows you to get that much better traction. And it's really helpful to know how to set up internal operations for your firm and for your company so that way you're assigning appropriate tasks and getting great results from each one of the people that you're working with. As well as understanding just what it is that each of your clients is really looking to you for and how they want to be communicated with. That way, you're giving them the kind of support that you really want. They really want the most from you. And for those reasons, that's why I wanted to have Greg and Crystal on this podcast. I want to thank you guys for listening and Greg, thank you very much for joining us on the show today. Yeah, Jake. Thanks so much for having me. It was a great conversation and sure hope it was useful for everybody.   I sure do too. And with that, folks, we're going to let you go for now, and we will see you on the next episode of Digital Marketing for Financial Planners. Take care and have a great day.  

About the Author

Jake is trained as a Certified Digital Marketing Professional.

He is called to connect true financial planning professionals with their clients and prospects through effective digital marketing.

He understands the needs and concerns of the financial planning profession and the wide range of regulatory compliance needs and concerns.

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