Kate Holmes of Belmore Financial loves to travel. She's traveled to every corner of the globe, and takes her practice with her. This episode shares how Kate manages her practice while she travels around the world with a world wide network of clients.  She is also able to utilize her worldwide network of connections to learn about the financial planning profession in countries around the world. Kate has a 100% virtual practice.  She has traveled to numerous countries and recently settled in my home town of Denver, Colorado.  She has kept her practice not just operating but growing as she travels the globe.  She doesn't have a specific niche, other than people who are attracted to her innovative approach to financial planning. Boomers, millennials and other typical "target clients" join Kate in her worldwide message of financial literacy.  Instead of quarterly meetings and commiting to an hour for every client meetings, she uses an approach of being available to her clients through online meeting schedulers and having shorter meetings where important decisions are focused on intently for a few minutes, till a decision is made, then everyone gets back to their day. Kate Holmes has some great insights to share on how to "live like a queen" because she can take her practice around the world.  She shares how she keeps herself and her client data safe.

About the Author

Jake is trained as a Certified Digital Marketing Professional.

He is called to connect true financial planning professionals with their clients and prospects through effective digital marketing.

He understands the needs and concerns of the financial planning profession and the wide range of regulatory compliance needs and concerns.

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