How to help older and younger advisors get out of their own way and collaborate It is a statistical fact that the average age of the financial advisor is 51 or older. And, the majority of their clients are the same age or older than they are. This is not new news. In my humble opinion, to
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In this webinar, Julie Johnson, talks about video content and how to tailor them to your target clients, and how to generate referrals and video testimonials. Neuroscience facts support that when people see and hear you, it encourages them to engage and it immediately develops a stronger relationship than just a simple post. Videos enable scripted words
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Introduction Hi, I’m Tasha. You might not see much from me, but trust me, without me this ship would not be sailing. A couple years ago we all started using Zoom a little (ok a lot) more than we used to. Even now that we have vaccines and the new normal is unfolding, virtual events
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