Welcome to the Digital Marketing for Financial Planners podcast.  This website is the central repository for all of our podcasts and they are available in your favorite podcast directory. The purpose of Digital Marketing 4FP is to help financial planners find and implement the best digital marketing tactics for their portion of the industry. This is the place to learn about the best digital marketing practices for the CFP® Profession.  We interview financial advisors.  We share what is working for them so you know the best strategies for you and your firm.  I want you to know what strategies are and are NOT working in digital marketing for financial planners.  By listening to this podcast you can hit the ground running without having to learn all of the strategies I devote to learning and sharing with you. I've worked with Registered Investment Advisors (RIAs) for my career.  Mostly with fee-only CFP® Professional firms with a few or a few dozen people, not the big guys.  Financial Services and Financial Advice are big markets where a lot of people don't know who they want to help them with their finances and why that person is the right choice.  I want to help your ideal client find YOU.  I believe that people need independent objective financial advice. As much as I love the Certified Financial Planning™ profession and the CFP® Professionals have whom have guided my career, it seems that knowing the right way to run your practice is only half the battle.  The other half is ensuring that your prospects and clients know that you are the trusted advisor they should turn to when they need help. The client-advisor relationship really begins the second someone starts to refer you.  You need to have a great process and journey for them.  You want a prospect to have evaluated you and know know that you are the person for them *before* they sit down with you at your desk. Clients and prospects want to know you, like you and trust you so when it comes time to find the right person to support them with their financial lives, they turn to YOU, not your competition or one of the big name brands.  It is very important to let this moment arise naturally and not hurry your prospect till they are ready.  My method of digital marketing for financial planners works to create a natural and genuine conversation.  When the time comes, they already know to whom to turn.

About the Author

Jake is trained as a Certified Digital Marketing Professional.

He is called to connect true financial planning professionals with their clients and prospects through effective digital marketing.

He understands the needs and concerns of the financial planning profession and the wide range of regulatory compliance needs and concerns.

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